What should you do if you have a sick day and ketones?
What should you do if you drink alcohol?
What can you do to prevent/reduce the risk of hypos?
Who should you tell about how to help you with a hypo?
How often should you check your blood glucose levels?
What should you do before your appointment with your doctor or diabetes educator?
What should you do during your clinic appointment?
What should you do if you miss an insulin dose?
Can you get your own prescriptions and supplies (e.g. insulin, blood glucose strips, pump, and continuous glucose monitoring supplies)?
Do you need to make your own clinic appointments?
How often should you have health checks?
What should you do if you need a health check (e.g. eye check or podiatrist)?
What should you do if you have questions for your doctor?
Do you know where you will go for adult diabetes care?